The Royal Hospital is the largest government tertiary hospital in the Sultanate of Oman, providing specialized and super-specialized care of the highest standard. By utilizing an A3 Problem Definition Tool, the hospital addressed the challenges associated with xylene waste management and achieved significant environmental and financial benefits.

Xylene is a hazardous and carcinogenic chemical used in the histopathology laboratory, requiring special treatment before disposal to prevent environmental contamination. The hospital has achieved remarkable results through strategic planning and introducing the Pro Cycler B/R Instruments, a cutting-edge recycler.

The xylene recycling program at the Royal Hospital has resulted in a significant reduction in hazardous waste volume, leading to cost savings and improved environmental management. The number of xylene bottle orders decreased from 720 in 2017 to just 70 in 2021, resulting in substantial purchasing cost reductions. Moreover, transportation costs were minimized due to fewer waste collections.

Looking to the future, the Royal Hospital aims to expand its recycling program to include other chemicals like alcohol, wax, and toluene. Additionally, they are exploring opportunities to offer recycling services to other institutions, potentially generating additional income while promoting sustainable practices.

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