Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Network launched C.A.R.E. (Community of Action for the Reduction of Emissions), a new, multi-year educational offering designed to empower network members in building climate-smart, zero-emissions health care.
This initiative, taking place in Australia, Europe, and Latin America, will provide a dynamic range of virtual education sessions, technical workshops, networking and collaboration opportunities, and more to educate and engage health care institutions on effective strategies to transform their facilities.
C.A.R.E. will equip health care professionals with cutting-edge tools, resources, and case studies documenting successful decarbonization strategies. By fostering peer-to-peer learning and building connections between the public and private health care sectors globally, C.A.R.E. will create a platform where institutions at various stages of their decarbonization journeys can support and learn from one another, collectively advancing toward zero emissions.
Through this comprehensive and collaborative effort, the health sector can make a profound and lasting impact. C.A.R.E. underscores this mission, and demonstrates that, by working together, we can accelerate the transformation needed to create a healthier, low-carbon, and more sustainable future for all.