Located in Luxor, Egypt, Shefaa Al-Orman Oncology Hospital (SOH) is a leading facility for cancer treatment in the country with 1,200 staff members and 150 beds. However, the hospital faced a significant challenge due to high energy consumption, leading to hefty operating costs and negative environmental impacts.

To address this issue, the hospital took proactive steps and implemented a sustainability strategy. They implemented several actions to reach their energy efficiency goals, that included using timers to control the operations of pans, scheduling the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, setting a standard temperature of 25 degrees for all air handling units, using photocell sensors for external lighting, and switching to LED lights. 

The strategic implementation of energy-saving measures resulted in impressive outcomes. Between October 2022 and March 2023, energy consumption was reduced by 20%, which exceeded the initial target and resulted in saving over $20,000 in six months. Moreover, the hospital managed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 261.5 tonnes during the same period, aligning with their commitment to creating a greener and more sustainable future.

With the success of the sustainability strategy, Shefaa al-Orman Hospital now aims to take further steps. Ongoing monitoring and optimization of energy-saving measures are a priority, as well as exploring the integration of solar energy as a sustainable power source. Another key objective is setting more ambitious targets for energy reduction and carbon emissions. The hospital plans to share best practices and lessons learned with other hospitals, fostering knowledge sharing and inspiring similar projects.

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