Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Belo Horizonte is the largest charitable hospital in the Minas Gerais capital. In October 2020, the institution’s environmental team decided to replace disinfectant products with less toxic alternatives.

A committee was established with representatives from the environmental protection, supply, infection control, occupational safety, as well as hygiene and sanitation departments. This committee identified and introduced a unique product that could replace three products used to clean and disinfect surfaces, which produced operational, financial, environmental, and occupational benefits, as well as increased safety during the pandemic.

The new product was odorless and did not produce foam. As a result, housekeeping staff distrusted and questioned the new product’s disinfection qualities. Valdirene Araújo’s advocacy and participation was essential in overcoming any resistance by staff members.

Valdirene oversaw hygiene and sanitation activities and was also a member of the Environmental Protection Committee.

In addition, she managed the disposal of waste and coordinated the maintenance of the hospital’s green areas. With over 20 years of experience in the health sector and having lived in the Amazon region for many years, she’s fully committed to the environmental cause.

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