Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) is thrilled to announce that the network has reached its biggest milestone to date: 2,000 members! Hailing from 86 countries around the world, GGHH members are innovating and investing in solutions to transform health care and protect the health of people and the planet. From national ministries of health to private health systems, provincial health departments, to rural health clinics, the network is as diverse as it is expansive. This diversity is the strength of the network, bringing together a wealth of strategies and approaches from a variety of countries, cultures, and contexts to achieve success. 

The strength of GGHH also comes from not just the 2,000 member institutions but the thousands of staff working tirelessly at them to reduce their environmental footprint, adapt to a changing climate, and ensure their facilities first, do no harm. Sustainability specialists, facility managers, engineers, nurses, doctors and more are stepping up to lead their institutions and communities into a sustainable future. 

We are honored to be working with all of these institutions and people who make up the fabric of the GGHH network. While the road ahead may still be long and challenging, the commitment and perseverance of our 2,000 GGHH members will lead the way to achieving our shared vision for sustainable, climate-smart health care.

Voices of impact: our allies around the globe reflect on this milestone

“Hitting 2000 global members is an incredible achievement, and testament to the growing movement within sustainable healthcare, as well as the inspiring response to an imperative call to action. Being part of Heath Care Without Harm Europe's GGHH networks enables everyone to remain informed of new initiatives and advances in sustainability happening all over Europe.  Through the planned events, activities, and training our members can then make new contacts, learn from each other, and ultimately collaborate to drive forward positive change in the healthcare industry” 

Sam Bishop, Head of Community Engagement,  Health Care Without Harm Europe. 

The Climate and Health Alliance is proud to have coordinated the Pacific region of Global Green and Healthy Hospitals since 2012. Reaching this milestone of 2000 GGHH members globally represents the commitment and activation of the health sector to take action on climate, health, and sustainability. We are proud of our Pacific region GGHH members and all that they are achieving to contribute to a sustainable and climate-resilient health system. We thank members for their dedication and contributions to make the network vibrant, supportive, and collaborative.”

Dr. Stefanie Carino, Sustainable Healthcare Manager, Climate and Health Alliance


GGHH has provided a platform for hospitals in Southeast East Asia to collaborate and inspire each other in their sustainability efforts, despite challenges and barriers. The growth of the network highlights the strength and relevance of our advocacy for sustainable health sector operations, especially in a region where many of the world's most vulnerable countries are located.” 

Mara Medrano, Regional Engagement Manager, Health Care Without Harm Southeast Asia 

“GGHH has empowered us to advocate for better environmental policies in healthcare and climate. Our involvement in policy discussions at various levels has been crucial in promoting sustainable practices across the sector. At HECAF 360, we have utilized GGHH’s support to drive significant policy changes and sustainable initiatives in Nepal. Through the network, HECAF 360 has become a leading advocate for environmental sustainability in healthcare, making a significant impact on the sector in Nepal.”

Mahesh Nakarmi, Executive Director, HECAF 360

“For Latin America, this achievement represents the greatest demonstration of trust and brotherhood that a network can build. It is a network that works with technical expertise – but also with love – towards the common goal of healing our planet. Each hospital is driven by the hearts and dedicated efforts of leaders who, year after year, strengthen and expand this global mission. Our greatest achievements are not only reflected in operational, technical, or infrastructure changes; they are also evident in the widespread acceptance we have within the sector, as well as in the unified message we have raised and established with a voice of encouragement, ambition, and justice for our planet.”

Claudia Lorena Paz, Technical projects facilitator for Latin America, Health Care Without Harm