The Climate and Health Alliance, Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Network, and the Western Australia Sustainable Development Unit are partnering to deliver the forum, hosted by South Metropolitan Health Service, Australia.

May 19, 2023

Case studies
The hospital started to work on sustainable procurement in 2018. After identifying and gathering sustainability criteria based on the Health Care Without Harm’s Sustainable Procurement Guide, in 2020 the institution formalized and documented its sustainable procurement process.

April 19, 2023

Europe's leading conference on sustainable healthcare, CleanMed Europe 2023, will take place from 5-9 June 2023. The theme of this year’s online conference is Changing the climate of healthcare.

April 13, 2023

Case studies
Hospital Santa Izabel, a part of the Santa Casa da Bahia system, is a member of the GGHH network in Brazil. They created and implemented an energy management program focused on energy efficiency.

February 23, 2023