About GGHH
- hospitals around the world deploying onsite renewable energy and super-efficient building design;
- sourcing sustainably grown food for their communities;
- minimizing waste generation;
- practicing water recycling.
Imagine hospitals, health care facilities, health systems, and health organizations from around the world working together for a healthier, more sustainable planet…this is Global Green and Healthy Hospitals.
GGHH is an international network of hospitals, health care facilities, health systems, and health organizations dedicated to reducing their environmental footprint and promoting public and environmental health.
The Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network has over 2,000 members in more than 80 countries who are using innovation, ingenuity, and investment to transform the health sector and foster a healthy, sustainable future.

What we do
GGHH brings together hospitals, health systems, and health organizations from around the world under the shared goal of reducing the environmental footprint of the health sector and contributing to improved public and environmental health.
The framework and roadmap to reach this goal is provided by the GGHH Agenda and its 10 interconnected sustainability goals for hospitals and health systems to work towards at their facilities.
To support members in their efforts to implement successful sustainability initiatives and projects related to the 10 Agenda goals, GGHH offers access to exclusive and innovative tools and resources.

The Global Green and Healthy Hospitals community has over 2,000 members in 87 countries who represent the interests of more than 70,000 hospitals and health centers.